The Beast in Me

Come to me, you wild beast,
You whirling storm of beauty
Battered, scarred, bruised and teased
You grew beyond majesty

Wide, cold skies weep for you
In pain, relief and sorrow
Rage rumbles, deep and true
No gods will reign tomorrow

Nor hold you trapped in caves
Where man’s faithless, dank pride grips
Where the ceaseless lie staves
Off a small apocalypse

Come, fly free, fly stronger
You’ve broken stone and cruel fate
Breed your courage longer
Your kind, for you, yet await

Quarter Crazy Marathon
Quarter 3 - 2020
Prompt 6 - 2pm EST

Prompt #6: Picture Prompt

No Pressure

(i remind myself)
is the key to Beauty

timed tests
and pressures
might create infinite
(but only over time)


(We must realize)
are the inevitable


There are bromides
for everything

Fences sat upon
in great uncertainty

As winds or breezes,
ice or snow
rain or sunshine fall

As the sense 
of infinite plausibility
wends round-and-round

A fence to guard
A carousel
A barrier for safety
or for holding back wishes?

Draw strength from
your uncertainty
embrace the miasmic

that wakes you
stalls you
shields you

and realize

in the exchange -
in the embrace -
in the reverse lifestyle
(from all you’ve been urged)


Quarter Crazy Marathon
Quarter 3 - 2020
Prompt 5 - 1pm EST

Prompt #5: Use at least 8 (or all) of the following words in your poem:
fence, uncertainty, devote, ice, draw, reverse, nonsense, exchange, infinite, relaxation, wind, bathtub, lifestyle, guitar, realize


Blue sand underfoot
Chilled children’s drinks drain away
Boiling crabs blush bright red

Quarter Crazy Marathon
Quarter 3 - 2020
Prompt 4 - 12pm EST

Prompt #4: Write a poem about blue sand and red crabs

**This prompt came from

Silver Linings

There were so many moments shared with you
Long walks through Montreal, Toronto, too
Night drives on cobbled streets in Buffalo
And never, then, did others know of you

I shirk to show the bruises, faded, old
And gone from view; so much I never told
‘A silver lining,’ ‘True Love Conquers’ - so
I lived, trusted your eyes of em’rald-gold

I trusted in your reason and your mind,
Expected love - but never love maligned
The whirlwind I became to remain free
Upheld, punished - still, through all, I was blind

A silver lining brightened every day
But not from you and that tumult’ous play
The brightness, love existed but in me
Your bitter words spawned with me dark affray

We should have parted, been no more than friends
If but we wished to find harmon’ous ends
Yet, all I have now is a memory
Devoid of hopes to, one day, make amends

With no way back, with truth, I move ahead
Peek back proves I, that silver lining led
And I, my own responsibility
Free from the man I wish I’d never wed

Quarter Crazy Marathon
Quarter 3 - 2020
Prompt 3 - 11am EST
Music Prompt - Response to 
My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos

A Sonnet in Pink

’Tis true, I never thought to think, to dream,
To find the words while crafting this, midstream;
And yet, t’was but one color that did seem
To reach, inspire, set my mind agleam:

Soft, cotton-candy clouds in summer skies;
The bright, exotic skin that dragons prize;
The flesh that lovers yearn to tantalize;
A sweet explosion calls to butterflies -

All wild, soft or misty gleam is theirs.
How can one dare to own, when the world shares,
When all of femininity are heirs,
When cyan, tangerine burst fiercer flares?

And still, I find I cannot double-think
The myriad, effluent hue of pink.
Quarter Crazy Marathon
Quarter 3 - August 15, 2020
Prompt 2 - 10am EST 
Write a Sonnet

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos

numbers divided

five days ago
i wrote to you
wishing I’d hear from you

three weeks ago
you wrote to me
but, one word will never do

nine years ago
we scened but once
i fell so hard for you

eight years age-difference
seemed zero
there was none one could do

in all that time
and all these years
i never wished from you to part

and i will say
this honestly:
i couldn’t muster a fresh start

t'was hardly fair
to you or me -
what rules a lover’s heart?

when memories,
day-terrors shook,
took hold, our mind and lives we thwart

and dismay now
is lasting grief
so little left, have we to show

from years of love
of dreams dreamt well
shoved into corners, urged to grow

this madness left
of why we split
of i insisting that you’d go

was spawned of love
for, split we were
now, negative is all i know

Quarter Crazy Marathon
Quarter 3 – Saturday, August 15, 2020
Prompt 1 – 9am EST

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos

Acquaintanceships by Night and by Day

I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have been lost in the depths of a vast universe,
Lost beyond the reaches of his highest height -
And whence his words rippled from kindly to terse -

Where were you? Where were all of you who feel cause to judge
Whilst I searched the covens of all space and time,
Whilst I sloughed off all that you all begrudge,
Whilst I delved into depths of my heart and mind?

I have become one with the night,
Taking fireflies and monsters to become my friends,
Learning from cats to see with a feline's sight
That my soul and my heart could see my paths' ends -

And where were you? Were you shielding rays
As family, friends, children from far and wide
Came to embrace you in light of day
Whilst you did hold to your ego's pride?

I have become acquainted with the night,
With the darkness of my soul, and with others' too
That I may face with a whole heart my fright,
That I may learn to forgive and to love even you

Who judge. Where were you when my soul was alone?
Did you come to my aide? Did you reason to give?
Or did you only miss what was given, well-known?
Did you think to reach out, give me reason to live?

I have become one with the night and the day
Breaking reasons, unfettered by common restraints,
That I may find reason to live well, as I may;
That I may find life without common complaints -

And where, pray tell, where do your judgements lead us
Whist I, on my own - my heart oft torn asunder,
My life and my mind leaving you in nonplus?
I find myself, day and night, filled naught but with wonder —

For I have become acquainted well with the night,
And I break, at last, into dawning of days;
And I find I shan't run, though my wings take to flight
As I find myself, now, understanding your ways.

(First line borrowed from “Acquainted with the Night” by Robert Frost, )

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos

Fire & Water

Fire at your fingertips
Fire that leaps from your perfect lips
Fire that heats all of what I am
Fire that burns in your epigram

At length, you and I are endlessly drawn
You of the sun and I of the sea
Slipping through sunsets and rising at dawn
Flames crave to be quenched only by me

Water drips from my eyes every night
Water cleanses each burning, every harm, every slight
Water connects me to all beings that are
Water surrounds us, no matter how far

Roil and boil in our yearning to grasp
Groping to touch as hearts at distance clasp
Fire and water barely meeting, and then
Into the ether, we rise again

Fire at your fingertips
Fire that leaps from your perfect lips
Fire that heats all of what I am
Fire that burns in your epigram

As soft as I am when I wash over you
As hard as I come when my fury's released
I fall every day as the morning dew
Wash back again, back again, passion unceased

Water drips from my eyes every night
Water cleanses each burning, every harm, every slight
Water connects all the beings that are
Water surrounds us, no matter how far

Can you claim what is mine with all your soul's heat?
Can a sun claim an ocean and neither retreat?
Can two beings so strong make a life that will last?
Can two such hearts meet, make a love unsurpassed?

Fire at your fingertips
Fire that leaps from your perfect lips
Fire that heats all of what I am
Fire that burns in your epigram

Heat me, embrace me with fires that burn
I'll cool you with kisses, none sweeter than mine
I hope and I wish and I want and I yearn
Fire and water make a love genuine

Water drips from my eyes every night
Water cleanses each burning, every harm, every slight
Water connects all the beings that are
Water surrounds us, no matter how far

In The Beginning

And then, the flow began:
The life that was their own,
The life that was her own
That urged a broad wingspan;
No longer words, alone
No longer friends outgrown....

She found true love without a man;
Won lands afar without a throne;
Traversed where none had ever flown -
And all of this, without a plan,
Without a soul yet to condone
The very life she'd only known

With only whispers of "I can...!"
She lifts her eyes, will not bemoan
The very life, love some'd disown;
Though from malaise he'd said she ran,
Through heartaches, breaks come on full-blown,
She'd come to now, to but intone,

To sing like ancient Solomon
Her heart's truth, life, love depone
In psalms, her soul's brilliant lodestone;
To find in sweet, attentive span
And unfailingly true touchstone
Her life, her love ne'er to atone...

And then, and so her flow began....

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos


Into the stillness of a dream
The day had been what it'd never been

Wide swing, warm coffee, chilly day;
Words flowed from fingers, come what may

When up I glanced, to a tattered blue
And a stylish shirt; it was only you

They say that clothes can make the man
Though I'd say you made those jeans all you can!

And I'd say, instead, that clothes can portray
The heart of a man and, perhaps, his way

For, when you peered from behind the frame
And spoke of what sets your mind aflame

I knew we'd be friends forever-more
Even if we knew not what life had in store

Some star-crossed loves are but passing friends
Who yet share a connection that never ends

And you, who shares so much of his eyes' deep sight
Shall have coffee, deep chats with me one long night

Words and life may have limits, true
But star-crossed friendships never do

For my dear friend, Terrell Clark, on his birthday

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos