

It came and went so quickly:

A storm that passed between,

Swept us up in a dream —

And, in a climactic scream,




Beautiful perfection existed for a moment,

Faltered into an abyss.

What a pity.

There’s a mirror somewhere around,

When you want to look into it.


He wasn’t there at all; it was just the music that made her heart ache, swim, stir like those moments when they had kissed, when he had touched her hand, when he had reached to her cheek and held her so gently, stroked her hair softly, gave her all of the love that he now thought he couldn’t give.

He wasn’t there to kiss her thighs, to kiss her knees, to kiss her calves and her ankles, to worship her in that way that felt like she was a part of love, like they were both a part of the same love, worshiping some sacred moment, some higher power with every religious slip of a tongue, with every precious pressing of lips. Yet, he was there, the whole time: The music sang to her in the same way he moved along her body; it soothed her in exactly the same ways his lips broke — with easy, warm kisses — her iceberg tension; it enveloped her in exactly the ways his arms enveloped her, his energy wrapped around her; it slipped into her ears exactly as his breath, his conversation entered her mind, feeding her soul more thoroughly than any other nourishment.

He would be a part of her forever, now – as he had been a part of her through all the years apart, despite forgetting how she’d loved him once, long ago, in such a youthful, hopeless way. For now, they’d had conversations as adults; they’d made love as adults; they’d held each other’s eyes and bodies as adults:  with full consciousness.

She didn’t want any other, and she thought she’d likely wind up with another, at least for a time.

When she was with him, though… there was no other.  There was only him.  Two, alone, and her.

And that was all there ever needed to be.

Photo ©2017 MLM

Love In A Criminal World

Don’t tell me you want to get to know me

When I give you all I am.

I’m not made of the times we share,

Not made of the things we do,

But of the life I live,

The ways I love,

And how I see the world.

Don’t investigate me like a criminal,

For I’ve done nothing wrong to you

Except give my love


To a man

Who thinks he does not deserve me.

He’d never cared much for strawberries, but that summer her lips were so stained with the juices that they were all he tasted.

And he’d never had a favourite fruit, but two years later, a new girl is sat in front of him, laughing at his jokes.

“If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?” She asks playfully.

And he remembers how her hands traced the veins in his neck and made their way across his chest. He remembers her soft breathing and limbs draped across his shoulders.

“Strawberries.” He tells her. “I could live a life on nothing but strawberries.”

S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #54“Strawberries” (via blossomfully)


~ So beautiful. ~

I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says ‘Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.’


Lewis Carroll
(via landscape-photo-graphy)

From Taming the Monkeys of Mind




and splash around

through my warmest ink;

let it streak your body,

spilling into mind,




your bluest veins.

Step barefoot through

my intentions,


wading this man’s

inner everything.


your eyes,

allowing yourself

to become the parchment

of love’s enduring



the pulse

of inspiration’s

heavy rains.

—me ॐ


~ Amazing poetry. ~

Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up.

Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum (via wordsnquotes)


~ Thank you for the reminder. ~

What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then.

Real love is always chaotic. You lose control; you lose perspective. You lose the ability to protect yourself. The greater the love, the greater the chaos. It’s a given and that’s the secret.

Jonathan Carroll, White Apples
(via wordsnquotes)

The Return

I waited.

I learned.

I did not leave, nor quit of my feelings.

Why would I, when love IS?

Why would I, when you ARE?

Why would I, when I AM?

I waited.

I learned.

I felt you so many times, and I still loved you;

I knew you always loved me, too.

Why wouldn’t you, when love IS?

Why wouldn’t you, when you ARE?

Why wouldn’t you, when I AM?

I waited.

I learned.

I did not give up hope – though almost…

And you returned.

I don’t know how long it will last – but I will still love you;

I don’t know how it will look – but I will still watch you;

I don’t know how you will be with me – but I will give to you…

Because love is,

Because you are,

Because I am


You tried to change didn’t you?

closed your mouth more

tried to be softer


less volatile, less awake

but even when sleeping you could feel

him travelling away from you in his dreams

so what did you want to do, love

split his head open?

you can’t make homes out of human beings

someone should have already told you that

and if he wants to leave

then let him leave

you are terrifying

and strange and beautiful

something not everyone knows how to love.

Warsan Shire
(via wordsnquotes)


~ This is so beautiful, and it resonates so well with me. ~

Do you even know what it’s like? To look at a person like their eyes are made of stars and the galaxies run through their bloodstream and not having an inkling of a clue as to how they feel about you? It’s an agony that I can’t even put into words.

excerpt from a book i’ll never write #47 (via a-laa-mode)

Paradoxes Bleed in the Black of Morning

You still hold against me that I love you.

Who is the fool: you or I,

When, yes, I am alone,

But you are without the knowledge of either of us,

Without the peace of our friendship,

Without the knowledge of me.

We are taught that we are allowed no mistakes, in love.

There is no turning back,

No forgiveness.

We deal retribution in love as if we knew better,

As if we were ones to teach

An everlasting energy

How to be.

I still love you.

I still live you.

I still know you.

I still see you.

Perhaps I do not know what you want me to be,

Perhaps I will never be as you wish me to be,

But I love you

And that is everything.

You still make my heart break with your sadness.

You still make my heart leap with your joys.

You still make my mind warp with your ways.

You still make my loins ache with your beauty.

Break me again and again,

I will still be yours, eternally,

As I am every man’s whom I love.

Do not ask me to render this paradox sense;

I only know it’s true –

As I know you are mine, too…

As every moment you gave yourself to me

Lasts, lives…

And I miss you.

We mistake sex for romance. Guys are taught that pushing a girl up against a wall is romance. Sex is easy; you can do it with anyone, yourself, with batteries. Romance is when someone you like walks into a room and they take your breath away. Romance is when two people are dancing and they fit together perfectly. Romance is when two people are walking next to each other and all of a sudden they find themselves holding hands, and they don’t know how that happened.

Mirrored Love

Shall I wake you to your true desire,

Make you face the life you dream;

Bring you back to the realm where you and I exist

In a world greater than fantasy?

I sense your struggle to uphold yourself,

I face with you your fears;

But how can I communicate across the silence

That you are safe throughout the years?

You know I love you.

You know I’ll share.

Come home to me.

Come home with me.

Let me give you everything I am,

Let me take all that you are,

And sail, in love, into infinity.

Just reach out and touch me…

The sun shines outside upon wavering leaves,

Clothes spin rhythmically in the hall’s machine,

And the kitten climbs over the hills of my hips,

Massaging tiny claws into my slender waist:

Intoxications, all, thick with poignant quiet,

Tense with the slipping void,

Tight with the ticking of time,

Deep in the afterglow of you.

A chill blankets me,

I curl into the shadow of a new-old energy;

Visions billow behind closed eyes,

Dreams-wants-desires filling the miles between:

Sailing the seas, spilling joy with the sun’s kisses;

Careening steadily through trees on mountains high;

Speeding on lost highways under the moon’s laughing grin;

Growing the magic of love with mutual friends…

So many seeds we planted in our late-night meeting,

Wishes dangling like fire-lit lamps on our path;

When you are ready to dine on peaches and pears,

When you choose to wake or fall into a dream:

I will be there to taste your lips again,

To breathe fire into your heart,

To wander far into our world,

To be the never-ending beauty that is ours.

The Magic of An Autumn Night

A thousand leaves quiver a million colored hellos

And I remember you.

A brisk wind chills my fingers

And I embrace the sensation,

Tickled by the thought of you:

Your warm hands on a chilly night finding mine,

Your cool eyes twinkling like blue skies,

Your broad smile breaking, and changing my life.

Give me this cold autumn

For the days and nights are ours

And dance me into your arms;

Amidst the colors and the sun and greys

There is nothing but beauty,

And the colors shine brighter from the rays of your heart,

The sun marries your magic light and the world is warmer,

And my mind flickers and spins in awe of you

And we fall in love in a magic spell of our creation.


I’m not interested in your past, I’m interested about what makes you tick, what makes you angry, what keeps you sane – tell me those things. You have my undivided attention. People waste so much time on reputation that they simply forget that you aren’t the same person who did those things back then, this is you. This is now… I want to watch you happen in this single moment now. Everything else is time wasted.

Unknown  (via wordsnquotes)

~ True love exists in THIS moment. ~


My darling, you can’t see it, can you? How like the moon you are. Both of you so timid in yourselves; hiding pieces from the world. Then, there are those rare moments when you both are full, and it becomes hard to look away. You are beautiful.

A Ghost In The Room


I would confess my love to you again and again;
It’s not going anywhere…

Even when I fall in love again,
Even when you leave…

“You are the only one…”

…who ever looked at me that way,
…who ever stared at me that way,
…who never loved me that way,
…who never let me get away…

“…’Cause you are mine and I am yours,
“Let’s not fuck around…”

You, your friends and I,
our rhythms intertwined,
our depths married helplessly,
our knowing eyes seeing:

We are not the blind masses.
We are not the unfeeling things

Who see nothing but work,
Who feel nothing but theory;

We are the ones who make life;
We are the ones who enact dreams maniacally.

Yet, you sit.


…for the ether…

…in the ether.