Cascades of My Heart

Why ache, my heart
when love is come so quick?
Why fever's pitch?
Or are we both homesick?

And yet, the fire's heat melts
all this pain to shades
Of rainbowed beauty flooding
o'er the world, cascades

Of my heart, pulsing
with the long passage of time
And all I hope is:
I am yours, and you forever mine


It has been said that
Are a way to hold
In a human's hand

It has been said that
Is the source of

I say that
And I
Are yet the depth of

And love
Is all of




Please don't tell me how great I am
If you're just gonna walk away
Frankly, I don't give a damn
I'm here and now, let's live the day

Don't let's wait another year
Before we dare embrace again
Falter to love and not to fear
Spread wide your heart, let love begin

Please don't waste another word
In lieu of love, then run from me
They're all the same; they've all been heard
Don't tell us both I'm best left free

When it's excitement in your ear
And rambling thoughts that sound like fear
In the stillness of your heart's rush
Is still the shadow of joyful blush

You found a soul with a widespread heart
Embarked with a mind whose life is art
So, come back, now, into widespread arms
Let me thrill you with feminine charms

Don't tell me, please, how great I am
If you're going to walk away
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
Carpe diem, love; sieze me today

Photo ©2016 MLM

Prisms of Love

Don’t you know?

I long to feel the skin upon your face,
The brush of whiskers nettled on your chin
And when I reach to touch, you to embrace
I find that I am forced to reach within

For - don’t you know?

I tremble all the day and all night long
My body eager, vibrating as you strum
The heartstrings of such a familiar song
Your fingers not yet on flesh; still, for you I thrum

And I cannot foresee another way
Than dancing deeply in a world unknown
So I will live and love another day
That one day, maybe soon, this depth be shown

That, maybe one day soon, I will be yours
And you’ll be mine, in body too;
That one day soon, we’ll dance through doors
In ethereal worlds we’ll live, both I and you

So, don’t you know?

My heart is bound to yours and lost to me
It’s yet my mind you kiss, that you must woo
And I, lost forever in this fantasy
Somehow made real, this life, by your love true

And - you must know!

Forever, in this time
That you are yours, and also I am thine;
That I belong to me, and you are mine!
That we are ours, forever-love sublime

Photo ©2016 MLM

Wonderland Has Come

He doesn’t know -
And neither do I -
How much time passed in the netherverse of love
How much power heartbeats have in times of need.

Years passed by without him near,
And mere moments since I have returned,
Thick with love and sweetness;
And we’re drunk on each other, again.

With every breath, I inhale a world that was mine.
With every glance, he takes me in.
This is not the love, the passion of children,
Of hurt adults fumbling towards ecstasy;

This is the love between worlds,
Between the seconds of real time;
This is violet love, of the kind Tesla knew…
This is fantasy-come-true.

Don’t talk to me of what might have been.
Don’t utter words of dissent, of discontent.
These are the times worth saving,
Moments worth living…

These are the worlds unseen and yet alive;
And love


Photo ©2014 MLM

Mirrored Love

Shall I wake you to your true desire,

Make you face the life you dream;

Bring you back to the realm where you and I exist

In a world greater than fantasy?

I sense your struggle to uphold yourself,

I face with you your fears;

But how can I communicate across the silence

That you are safe throughout the years?

You know I love you.

You know I’ll share.

Come home to me.

Come home with me.

Let me give you everything I am,

Let me take all that you are,

And sail, in love, into infinity.

Narcissus’ Redemption

If you knew how I live,
Would you ever go away?
Would you ever want a moment alone,
Or would you want to bask in me?

If you knew how I see you,
Would you care to look away?
Would you fall in love, as I do,
With every thought, word, action in you?

Are you afraid to be Narcissus,
Afraid to lose your false humility,
Afraid to gaze in the glaze of waters
Afraid to be who you were born to be?

Are you afraid to be so close to me
Because you’re afraid to be so close to you?
Afraid to admit the girl you love
Because she is so nearly you?

Give me a moment with your mind.
Give me a moment in your heart.
Give me your hand, your lips, your you;
Let me put everything in view.

Take pictures for me, okay? Wherever you are, I want to know what the sky looks like.

I’ll take them for you too; of the streets, of the clouds; of the people who smile and frown as they walk. I’ll capture freeze frames of stray cats and pruned dogs and monkeys at the zoo. And the sunset, and the sunrise, and the rain as it falls and makes the ground shiny and wet.

Take pictures of your hands, the veins in your arms, like blue railway lines. Take me to your heart and don’t ever let me leave. Photograph that sapling tree, and the cherry blossoms that float down past your window. Show me the mess that the petals make on the pavement, like a crime scene in the park. Mother nature can be deadly too.

Some wise guy once said that a picture was worth a thousand words, and I know that you’re not much into poetry. So I’ll get started on a sonnet, and pick up metaphors and diction and syntax as I go.

And while I’m doing all that, send me a picture, okay? I’d like to see the sky, and the bakery at the end of your road. Show me everything, or anything. I want to see it all. I want to see it wherever you are.

S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #187 // A picture a day. Send me a picture a day. (via blossomfully)

Moi aussi.

Please, this is why I beg you,

Why I’ve begged you

To take pictures for me.

And you take pictures for you,

For your vanity,
For your myriad of friends and lovers and adoring fans;

But I alone

Love you.

As You Are

I am not for you.

You’ve said it:

You are not looking for beauty.

You regret asking me for my strength;

You regret asking me for all I am,

You said you didn’t know I would be

So ruthlessly myself.

Are you so weak;

Did I love you so much

As to be blind to your fragility,

To your hopeful heart

And fallible strength

As to miss the meaning

Of such

An unsustainable request?

Or did your fears catch up with you;

My words,

My heart pouring every day,

Every moment with unadulterated love,

Every breath of mine become for you;

Despite your mind’s monsters

Making a monster out of you?

I still love you as before.

No distance can quell this ocean.

No time can tarnish my heart’s shine.

No amount of verbal brandishing

Can make me believe your costuming,

Can disguise your heart or mine,

Can still the moments,

Still alive,

Of every moment

Your heart


Aches for,

Yearns for


You are not for me

And I am not for you;

But we are


And this love


And I am for me

As you are for you.


Salva-Corpus-Amanti “Save the Lover’s Body”

This is how I picture the world will end. Earth, Air, Water, Fire.

So beautiful.


Salva-Corpus-Amanti “Save the Lover’s body”

Moi aussi.

You and Me

I would live to delight you,
To turn your every day to magic
As mine are turned by you
As mine are turned by me.

I would live to entice you,
To turn your every sensation into bliss
As mine are turned by you
As mine are turned by me.

I would live to be your love,
To turn your heart to molten gold
As mine is turned by you
As mine is turned by me.

I would live to be your girl,
To adorn your very side with glory
As mine is adorned by you
As I am adorned by me.

I would live to be your peace
To be the respite you choose
As I choose you
As I choose me.

I would live for nothing but love
And you would be the love I live
As you are you
As I am me.

I would live to be forever yours
To be your eternal everything
As I, already, in my heart, belong with you
As you, already, in my heart, belong with me.

When Connections Cease To Fade

Resist me, if you will:

Your fight reveals you,

Betrays your desire,

Demands my attention,

Commands my response.

Be silent, if you must:

Your vibration pulsates stronger,

Reaches farther,

Throbs within me,

Speaks more truth.

Remain away, while you can:

Your heart protects me,

Encourages all you love in me,

Strengthens what is weak in me,

Purifies what is best in me.

Release all of your negativity:

I will remain, in love, through time,

I will remain, in love, through peace,

I will remain, in love, through life,

I will remain, in love, with you.

And there is nothing anyone can do.

A Break From Insanity

Remember the days of blue skies and sweltering heat

when your love clung to me like the humid air

when your arms found their way around me

when your head rested upon me

when my love surrounded you in unspoken words

when you were everything to me

when I was so new and precious to you?


Remember the nights in dark places

when your hands and mine found each other

when we relaxed in small spaces

when your eyes stole into mine

when our presence was real

when all else was unreal

when our deep possession burned and pressed,

aching to escape?


Remember me?

If all the world surrenders

If all the world will die

If all inside me crumbles

If my body and mind disguise me

If my flesh grows old and thin

If my fears render my thoughts riddled and incontinent


Remember me:

I’m right here

I haven’t changed

I always love you

I always know you

I always remember you

I’ll always wait for you.