

It came and went so quickly:

A storm that passed between,

Swept us up in a dream —

And, in a climactic scream,




Beautiful perfection existed for a moment,

Faltered into an abyss.

What a pity.

There’s a mirror somewhere around,

When you want to look into it.


It came and went so quickly:

A storm that passed between,
Swept us up in a dream --
And, in a climactic scream,


Beautiful perfection
Existed for a moment,
Faltered into an abyss.

What a pity.

There's a mirror somewhere around,
When you want to look into it.

Cascades of My Heart

Why ache, my heart
when love is come so quick?
Why fever's pitch?
Or are we both homesick?

And yet, the fire's heat melts
all this pain to shades
Of rainbowed beauty flooding
o'er the world, cascades

Of my heart, pulsing
with the long passage of time
And all I hope is:
I am yours, and you forever mine


It has been said that
Are a way to hold
In a human's hand

It has been said that
Is the source of

I say that
And I
Are yet the depth of

And love
Is all of




you don't want the words I spill,
pouring from this surging swell,
cresting lips you've known so well
from depths of me you've helped to fill

'Why bother with men,' an old man said
one chilly night, when the leaves were dead,
after up his walk my feet did tread;
and, quickened, my mind and my heart then sped

"I love because I must," said I,
and gazed into that darkened sky
remembering how many had said 'Goodbye,'
loving each one anew to verify

you don't want words uttered now, do you?
Don't want my heart, though undoubtedly true.
Don't want to delve into all we've been through,
Can't walk away to a fresh morning dew

And that's still your trouble, my favorite dear:
That the past remains:  insurmountable fear,
You'd sooner look on us with distasteful sneer,
Sooner leave your past lonely and shed not a tear

I'll cry for us both, as I've cried times before
And I'll keep true to us, as I've kept true our lore
While you hold yourself stifled, and life, you ignore -
But I'll not forsake you; you're one I adore


Tuck your nose behind my ear
Speak so softly I cannot hear
Lips pressed gently to my skin
Murmur nothing again, again

Slip your fingers up my throat
Utter hushed words so remote
Speak into my eager mind
Words my heart may only find

Whisper luscious words so sweet
About how much you've wished to meet
Soft skin brushed across my lips
Plaintive words with fingertips

Speak as though your eyes were blind
Your wish for love, deep to my mind
Trailing touches 'cross my heart
Murmured words in silent art

Photo credit: Pexels Free Photos


Please don't tell me how great I am
If you're just gonna walk away
Frankly, I don't give a damn
I'm here and now, let's live the day

Don't let's wait another year
Before we dare embrace again
Falter to love and not to fear
Spread wide your heart, let love begin

Please don't waste another word
In lieu of love, then run from me
They're all the same; they've all been heard
Don't tell us both I'm best left free

When it's excitement in your ear
And rambling thoughts that sound like fear
In the stillness of your heart's rush
Is still the shadow of joyful blush

You found a soul with a widespread heart
Embarked with a mind whose life is art
So, come back, now, into widespread arms
Let me thrill you with feminine charms

Don't tell me, please, how great I am
If you're going to walk away
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
Carpe diem, love; sieze me today

Photo ©2016 MLM

Prisms of Love

Don’t you know?

I long to feel the skin upon your face,
The brush of whiskers nettled on your chin
And when I reach to touch, you to embrace
I find that I am forced to reach within

For - don’t you know?

I tremble all the day and all night long
My body eager, vibrating as you strum
The heartstrings of such a familiar song
Your fingers not yet on flesh; still, for you I thrum

And I cannot foresee another way
Than dancing deeply in a world unknown
So I will live and love another day
That one day, maybe soon, this depth be shown

That, maybe one day soon, I will be yours
And you’ll be mine, in body too;
That one day soon, we’ll dance through doors
In ethereal worlds we’ll live, both I and you

So, don’t you know?

My heart is bound to yours and lost to me
It’s yet my mind you kiss, that you must woo
And I, lost forever in this fantasy
Somehow made real, this life, by your love true

And - you must know!

Forever, in this time
That you are yours, and also I am thine;
That I belong to me, and you are mine!
That we are ours, forever-love sublime

Photo ©2016 MLM

Beyond Reality

Sometimes, I wonder if he’s not the end of the world;
The end of me
The end of everything I know and want,
The end of all my desires,
The end of all my dreams

Somehow, that doesn’t frighten me;
I want it all the more
The end of all my past and future,
The end of the here-and-now…

If, in the end of everything
There is nothing but passion and love,

Then we exist in infinity, foreverness,
Between worlds and existence
Where words have no meaning
Where there never was a lie
Where dreams go to be born and die…

Silence speaks so loudly
In the nebulous ether
Of you
And I

Photo ©2015 MLM

I’m Sorry, Darling…

I'm sorry, Darling,
the light is fading,
though the love does not wane

I'm sorry, Darling,
the world must go on,
my life must go on,
you must go on

We must learn
from those pains,
from those sorrows

we each bear;
from the frustrations,
from the highs and lows
We must take something

We must love

I'm sorry, Darling,
but you have neither control
of Light or Dark

The Sun remains The Sun,
and the World, itself, is turning

Watch as the Sunset erupts into immortal flames across an infinite sky;

When you're in the right place,
at every Beginning and at every End,
it is impossible to deny
her beauty is as great

Now is the sunset of our love
Now is the end of you-and-me

Photo ©2016 MLM

P.S. I Love You, Still

I fell into your world, my love;
And here, I shall remain, in heart,

Even if I am away,
Even if I must away,
Even if I am to be in a Wonderland of my own making…

I fell here, first, my love;
And here, I shall remain, in part,

As I have for years,
As I have for weeks,
As I shall, again, until I find the mirror-gate to you…

There is a Hatter who makes tea for two,

Who protects his M with kindness,
Who tempts Alice with long-coated horses,
Whose silver steed drives like the wildest things.

There is a girl whose land is elsewhere,
Yet finds life in Wonderland rings

With yet too-familiar courses
Of behavior with him all-too true…
And yet, we pine in distance;

And yet, you are right here;
By some grace of our natures’ providence
We touch what we hold so dear…

And you are in my heart, my love;
And here, you’ll always stay,

No matter time may come or go;
No matter how many worlds away…

For we have already broken rules
Upon us set by else-worlds’ minds,
Still: As precious as Majesty’s jewels,
Each other’s hearts, we find.

Stay with me. Love me. Be with me.
We shall never fear nor be torn apart;
For we are as Titans, as magical as gods
With all we’ve ever seen.

Photo ©2016 MLM

Speaking In Tongues

I can’t even tell you.

The truth
Is that I do not have a choice
On this planet
But to quit
But to be quiet
Because I’ve said so many things
Because I’ve tried so many times
Because I have not quit
Because I’ve not been quiet

Because I still love you

And that love is foreign.

Narcissus’ Redemption

If you knew how I live,
Would you ever go away?
Would you ever want a moment alone,
Or would you want to bask in me?

If you knew how I see you,
Would you care to look away?
Would you fall in love, as I do,
With every thought, word, action in you?

Are you afraid to be Narcissus,
Afraid to lose your false humility,
Afraid to gaze in the glaze of waters
Afraid to be who you were born to be?

Are you afraid to be so close to me
Because you’re afraid to be so close to you?
Afraid to admit the girl you love
Because she is so nearly you?

Give me a moment with your mind.
Give me a moment in your heart.
Give me your hand, your lips, your you;
Let me put everything in view.

Falling in Love in the Rain

The rain streamed down so many panes of glass,
With you beneath, bustling, working,
And I watched…
My mirrored soul-streams spilled outside, reflecting
As my confessions, compliments, and I fell hopelessly, endlessly.

My heart pressed against my mouth to spill;
The windows of my mind got in the way
As I wanted, like the rain, to shower you
With all of the secret feelings I have kept
As you talked of safe-but-uncomfortable places
Of perfection,
Of the perfection of making another smile.

I wonder:
Will this work?

Will this pool of truth reach you
The way the truth of you reached me,
The way you woke me from the never-ending struggle of a dream,
As the pools of your dark eyes reflect a solitary place we both love well,
As your veins strain visibly to contain your vibrant vitality,
While your smile lights you and me infectiously, and all around who see
The way your way embraces everyone and everything…?

Forgive Me

I can still forgive you everything:

Every moment when you feared,
Every moment when you ran away,
Every moment when you tore at me in your frustration,
Every moment when you asked me to be different than I am,
Different from who I am,
Different from who you love,
Different from who loves you.

I can still forgive you everything,

And I can still want to be in your arms,
Dreaming daydreams of watching clouds o’erhead,
Kissing your exquisite skin,
Tracing your perfect ribs
Watching your perfect nerves cause ripples, perfectly, under my perfected touch,
As my careful eyes watch you,
As your startled voice begs for mercy.

I can still forgive you everything.

I can still remember your truthful words
Asking me to be a part of your life, forever;
Asking for a deep and profound connection;
Asking me to give you everything;
Asking me to just be me.
Do you want to know the pain this distance caused?
Do you still want to run away?

I can still forgive you everything,

But do we need to cry forever, you and I?
Do our tears need to rain upon the world, a thousand raindrops
To wash away our pain – yours over every woman you’ve loved inadvertently;
Mine, over every beautiful love – and you! – I’ve inadvertently driven away?
At least we’re crying.
At least our hearts still spill some truth of you-and-me…
Or, at least, mine does, running rivers through the streets.

I can still forgive you everything…

And I’ll gradually forgive myself
For losing you.

Midnight In Love

I’m not actually any different from anyone who’s ever loved anyone so deeply.

I’m not actually any different from anyone who’s ever loved anyone so deeply.

I think of you probably as much;

I’m just as lost, as confused by your leaving

As anyone in all the ages of lovers being left.

We have been searching for this answer through all of time:

Why did he die?

Why did he leave?

Why did she not want me?

Why did she reject my love?

Why not accept the reality of us, of what we so clearly felt?

Why choose to forget what beauty we shared…?

Did he not know I would die, too,

Without the sunshine of his presence?

Did he not know that I would be ripped from the very soil, which was him?

Did she not know that I loved her?

Did she not realize how much I would have done for her, how I would have given anything, everything? That I still am, to this day?

Was our reality too much to bear, too challenging for the wish of the world we faced? Did our feelings truly challenge everything?

Did only I consider every moment we had together the most exquisite seconds in life…?

These questions rest in oblivion,

And the only rest I have is the rest I feel when I know I still love you,

When I know I am still in love with you.

It was the only rest I ever felt, in that way.

It was the only you I ever knew.

And this memory is not a memory.

We lived those moments in eternity…

And I am waiting for the stars to realign for you-and-me…

Because I am still in love,

And will always be.

Breaking Tides

Fill me with your new love
With your way of seeing
With your way of knowing;
Fill me with visions of you
And drown out the memories of him:

I don’t want to feel that pain anymore;
I don’t want to be drawn back
To heal old wounds
To mend old bones;
I want to be fresh, with you.

Wash me in your seas.
Cradle me in the warm caresses,
In the rising tides of care.
Kiss me, and kiss me again like waves
Kissing again and again the shoreline…

I want to be in you,
Under fair skies,
Under young skies…
Under the moons of your eyes…
Captivated only by you.

Take me again to your bed.
Take me again to your quiet world
And wake me in your arms
With the sounds of quietude,
Where this wound is cleansed by the sounds of you.

And spend long, quiet days
In long, quiet moments washing over me,
Your fingers steadily breeding tranquility;
And let my heart peek through these waves,
To swim again, in your unknown seas.

Viscerally Undeniable

There are moments when the world seeps through,
Takes over my mind and claws at the glass walls of my heart
To take you from me.

There are rivers of the world’s blood that flood me,
That would carry you far away from my dreams
That would drench me in their memories of loves gone wrong.

There are days when the voices of the world
Mingle with yours, become yours, would be mine
To scream, to convince me we must not be…

And yet…

There are fires on your oily seas, my dear,
Aching to be quenched, to be put out;
And my soul-water’s tears and waves do nothing but spark and fan your flames….

There are nights and morns when you slip into me, viscerally
More than a thought, more than a dream,
Whispering unspoken words into the depths of me…

And I remember moments with you-and-me
When you would rest the everything in you with me,
When I would rest the everything in me with you…

And we were.
And it happened

Song for a Sultan


You think that it is ended,
That it is all my fault.

I can bear the weight of our responsibilities,
I can bear the weight of the pain of our unborn affair,
Trapped within my belly like this wound that now ails me.

I can absorb it,
Heal these wounds in me
Because I still love.

I walk around our city,
Streets from where we met and fell in love –
Whether you choose to acknowledge the truth of that or not –

And I still fall in love –
But not with you –
With city streets and the dim grey light of an autumn day

Upon tall brick walls holding in the greenery, the ancient stones of the dead;
With the tall spires of obelisks and mirrored skyscrapers miles beyond;
With the kindness of strangers who, in an innocence you covet, connect.

I can fall in love with everything,
Remaining lovely through waves of quiet grief that spill my loss…
Yet you, in handsome suit and cuff links,

Cannot admit the truth of yours,
Cannot admit the truth of ours,
Cannot admit the truth of us;

Your face, your eyes darkened in unclaimed grief;
Your lips snarled in bitter, unspoken and mis-directed self-reproach;
Your fingers curled in hated agony that I yet see…

Can you not?
Will you deny what is so obvious to me?
Will you continue to believe your mass of Sultan’s Men and Girls

Who bow so eagerly before their master,
And call them “friend” who abets your lies?
I am the child who is too innocent to lie;

I am the child who cares not for your throne;
I am the child who points, incredulous, and cries:
“The man wears nothing but skin upon his bones!”

Will you banish me from your sight, ashamed to admit
That you were not even duped, but did cowardly concede
To ideas sold at the price of life and love and dreams;

Will you ask me to pluck my own eyes out so I may never see?
The pain I bear of My Love’s distance,
Of unjust banishment hanging upon his brow

And he pays, though I would not have it,
With his beauty even, with his consciousness,
And calls it “progress,” thereby forsakes his very name.

Woe does not become you, my dear; you wear it poorly.
For me, it is a veil I must occasionally wear.
I fear it not: I love too well beneath;

It guards love, beauty and my life
As your ways, you – and others – would try as well to do
Yet fail, so terribly, and miserably too.

You do not look. You will not see:
Not me; not yourself, your friends, anything.
You will not love, and cannot, thus, connect with reality.

Be true, my love.
Rest, breathe, connect.
Become yourself, and swim back to me.

I have not left your lands,
Have not left you,
Have not left me;

Connect with me, not after another year,
But now, and soon,
Before your guilt catches and strangles your given name.

You have not wronged me, my love.
Your lies do not wrestle me.
I only miss you, as I’ve always said,

And your heart knows you love me.
Why else the greyed face?
Why else the sunken cheeks and blackened eyes?

Live, my love.
Forgive yourself; let go of me.
See, then, if we are drawn still –

As we still are, through our own friends and chance acquaintances;
As we still are, through our respective lives;
As we still are, through promises once made

From your heart and soul to mine
From my heart and soul to yours
When we were He and She, in flesh, for some few days.

You Know, Don’t You…?

Don’t you know that my heart aches for you?
For the way you smile,
For the way you dress,
For the way you hold yourself in a chair,
So gallantly,
So arrogantly,
So nonchalantly?

Don’t you know that my eyes ache to see you?
To spy the drink you choose,
To watch you lift it to your lips,
To see you shift in your chair uncomfortably,
To watch you laugh mirthfully at yourself,
At me?

Don’t you know that my ears pine to hear you?
To find the timbre of your voice sink deep within my stomach,
To listen for all of the things you say that make no sense, and so much,
To hear your body speak so loudly in all of your small movements,
To wait for the silence of your breath as you hold me close to you?

Don’t you know how much I see in everything you do?

Don’t you know how very deeply I love everything in you?

I ache for your unkindness, even when it hurts.

I ache for your sweetness, spilling meaningless promises upon me.

I pine for your lips to come anywhere in my vicinity.

I ache for your breath, for your taste, for your fingers, for your skin…

I long for your responses, so immediate, so intense, so deep, to my every word and touch…

And yet, I would love nothing more than to watch you, forever, in your nativity…

To pine for you forever…

And find, one day, again, your thoughtful gaze upon me,

Knowing I was watching you.